FLorida's Opticianry Schools


Attention Apprentices

Time spent enrolled in opticianry courses at an accredited opticianry program may be substituted for apprenticeship time. Each credit hour earned shall count as 86.67 hours of apprenticeship time. One 3 credit class equals 260 hours of on the job apprenticeship training.

Apprentices, who have used college enrollment to accelerate their training, report they were able to reduce their apprenticeship time to as little as two years.

All of the Opticianry programs offered at these Florida Colleges are accredited by the COA and can provide the required degree necessary to become an Optician in the State of Florida

Broward  College

Vision Care Technology Opticianry

1000 Coconut Creek Blvd.

Coconut Creek, FL 33066

Contact: Nina McKie, Vision Care Program Manager

Phone: 954/201-2080

Email: mmckie@broward.edu

BCC's Website

Hillsborough Community College

HCC Opticianry Program

4001 Tampa Bay Boulevard

Tampa, FL 33614

Contact: Thomas Neff, Program Director Opticianry

Phone: 813/259-6359

Email: tneff@hccfl.edu

HCC's Website

Miami-Dade College

Medical Campus

950 NW 20th Street

Miami, FL 33127

Contact: Mrs. Liliana Mejia Rodriguez, Vision Care Technology/Opticianry Program Coordinator

Phone: 305/237-4267

Fax: 305/237-4278

Email: lmejiaro@mdc.edu

MDC's Website



Online Opticianry Degree Available

Hillsborough Community College Opticianry Program developed a form of "distance learning" education for Opticianry students. The program has created a viable option for those who can not attend "on-campus" classes. Since its inception in 2000, the on-line section of Opticianry students has grown rapidly every year and is at the forefront of on-line education for Ophthalmic Dispensing.

The On-line Program provides the Students with streaming video lectures, text lectures and "course packs" to supplement the required textbooks.

Learn more at HCC Opticianry Program

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