Enforcement by the Florida Department of HealthThe Department of Health investigates complaints and reports involving health care practitioners and enforces appropriate Florida Statutes. ISSUES WHICH ARE NOT WITHIN THE AUTHORITY OF THE DEPARTMENT INCLUDE:
To report suspected unlicensed health care practice:
If you become aware of unlicensed activity, please report it to the Department of Health at their Florida Health Care Complaint Portal
or call 1-877-HALT-ULA (1-877-425-8852), or email MQA.EnforcementULA@flhealth.gov or mail a complaint form (pdf) to the following address: Remaining Anonymous:Tipsters may remain anonymous, however, please note that under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your email address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail. Instead contact our office by phone or in writing. Written communication is also a matter of public record. Omit any information you do not wish to be disclosed. Visit the Florida Department of Health to file a complaint on a non-medical related business or profession. Verify LicenseTo verify a person or establishment is licensed to practice a health care profession regulated by the department, please use our "License Verification" search application. To report unlicensed activity use the Dept of Health's Form and return it to them or use the POF unlicensed / illegal activity form, return it to us by fax or mail and we will send it to the appropriate authorities. |